Welcome! I am an applied political economist. My research combines both causal inference and statistical learning methods to answer questions about conflict, crime, and economic development.
I am on the academic job market this year (2024-2025).
Work in progress:
Partial peace agreements with some non-state actors can disrupt power dynamics and trigger new violence. Using a regression discontinuity approach, the analysis shows increased violence by non-FARC groups in municipalities that rejected the 2016 Colombian peace agreement. The peace agreement acted as an economic shock, altering incentives for violence, especially in areas with significant coca cultivation and gold mining.
The paper investigates whether violence against women activists, used strategically by armed groups to impact elections and enforce gender norms, affects women’s political engagement in Colombian municipal elections.
We show that bond prices fall by an average of 0.7 points after the onset of state-involved conflict.
The paper specifically investigates the impact of aerial eradication operations on civilian victimization perpetrated by non-state armed groups, with a particular emphasis on the FARC insurgency and paramilitary groups.
In-person: Winter 2024 (Graduate - UiB)
In-person: Winter 2023 (Graduate - Universidad Javeriana - Cali)
In-person: Winter 2023 (Graduate - Universidad Javeriana - Cali)